Luís Teixeira
Host-Microorganisms Interaction Lab
The SymbNET network involves all research groups and units of the participating institutions.
Below are the members responsible for the project and involved in organising the different activities of the network.
Human Resources Service
Stability Proteomics for assessing the state of the Proteome / Proteomics Core Facility
University of Texas at Austin, US
Institut Pasteur, France
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
WP1 - Project Management
WP2 - Establish a collaborative research network
WP3 - Increase IGC and ITQB technical capacity in genomics and metabolomics
WP4 - Capacitating early-stage researchers in host-microbe symbiosis
WP5 - Capacitation of the Center for International Collaboration
WP6 - Dissemination and Communication