IGC researchers awarded SymbNET Research Grants

Instituto Gulbenkian Ciência (IGC) researchers Elisa Jentho and Qian Wu from the Inflammation Lab, and Maria João Amorim from the Cell Biology of Viral Infection Lab have recently been awarded 4.000€ each in the first edition of the SymbNET Research Grants.

This funding aims to promote the use of new technologies and approaches in Metabolomics, Genomics and Proteomics, and the interaction of FCG-IGC and ITQB-NOVA researchers with the SymbNET partner institutions (CAU, UNIL, EMBL). The purpose is for the researchers to use and identify techniques to be imported to IGC and ITQB-NOVA facilities or to be used in the long-term as an external service in partner institutions or collaborations.

The IGC Researchers will team up with the Gene Core and Metabolomics core facilities at the EMBL, fostering collaboration between two institutions involved in the SymbNET consortium.

The second edition of the SymbNET Research Grants will be open from the 1st of March to the 30th April, more information available here.


Updated on 23 february 2022