Course on Host-Microbe Interactions for PhD students

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Date: 13-17 Nov 2023

Venue: FCG-IGC, Oeiras, Portugal

SymbNET course on Host-Microbe Interactions

In this one-week course on host-microbe interactions with special emphasis on genomics and metabolomics, speakers and students will discuss different biological models of symbioses taking into account an integrative approach that includes both the host and the microbe perspective. The programme will consist of lectures and discussions of projects and papers. 

This course is part of the FCG-IGC PhD program in Integrative Biology and Biomedicine (IBB) and it is open 10 PhD students from the SymbNET partner institutes (FCG-IGC, ITQB NOVA, EMBL, CAU, and UNIL).

Travel and accommodation expenses of researchers from EMBL, CAU, and UNIL will be covered by the SymbNET program.

Students from all groups and units of the SymbNET partner Institutions (FCG-IGC, ITQB NOVA, UNIL, CAU, EMBL) are eligible to apply.

Travel and accommodation expenses of researchers from UNIL, CAU, and EMBL will be covered by the SymbNET program.



Ons Bouchami, ITQB NOVA, Portugal – Human Microbiota – Xenobiotics Interactions

Ilana Gabanyi,  FCG-IGC, Portugal – Neuronal responses to bacterial signals

Sarela Garcia-Santamarina, ITQB NOVA, Portugal – Human Microbiota – Xenobiotics Interactions

Waldan Kwong, FCG-IGC, Portugal – Microbial Genomics and Symbiosis

Brian Lazzaro, Cornell University, USA – Evolutionary genetics of insect-pathogen interactions

Luís Teixeira, FCG-IGC; Católica Biomedical Research Centre (CBR), Portugal – Host-Microorganism Interactions

Moritz Treeck, FCG-IGC, Portugal; The Francis Crick Institute, UK – Cell Biology of Host – Pathogen Interaction

Karina Xavier, FCG-IGC, Portugal – Bacterial Signalling

Michael Zimmermann, EMBL, Germany – Metabolic microbiome–host interactions

Maria Zimmermann-Kogadeeva, EMBL, Germany – Multi-omics-based modelling of microbial ecosystems